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Flextime is allowing the employees to have flexibility in working hours within the given organization limits. It allows employees to work a full complement of the same hours each week but modify the schedule to vary from usual 9 to 5. For example, few employees might work from 7am to 3pm, while others arrive at noon and leave at 8pm.
Compressed workweeks Workers on the job, work for four longer days instead of five shorter ones, leaving a day a week when they can attend to personal business and avoid the commute. The nine to five offices complete with its archaic attendance rules, crowded cubicle spaces and pathetic parking lots are being shunned in favor of flexi work schedules.
Telecommuting is a work arrangement whereby employees are allowed to work from their own homes, instead of traveling to office everyday. This avoids the aspect of office interruptions, enables the people to work during off-hours per their convenience, offers lowered infrastructure costs, increases productivity and provides the scope for work-life balance.
Job sharing is an arrangement whereby two employees divide the time and responsibilities of one full-time job. Older employees, parents or students do typical sharing. This enables a broader range of skills available for the work, more energy from both workers than either might have done, reduced absenteeism. Sabbaticals are an arrangement whereby long-term employees take off for six months or a year without pay to obtain further education or pursue other interests.


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